People are always interested in looking behind the scenes of airports. The secret is coming. Every day the airport takes and sends hundreds of flights. These flights serve certain friendly companies.
While you wait for your luggage at passport control and are in the waiting room – other people are working with your plane. Towing, loading / unloading of luggage, preparing the plane for the flight, test of problems, cleaning the plane after the passengers have left. This is how a team working day is going. Things that not all people pay attention to. It is clear that you are waiting for a suitcase on your timeline, looking at the clock. At this time, they are being removed from the plane by airport workers. The bags do not appear on the timeline on their own. There are people behind it all. A lot of people: dispatchers, bus drivers, tugs, tractors, movers, etc. When you don’t understand it, it seems that people run around the plane, and how they walk there is not clear. And they have everything on time and on schedule. There is no chaos.
I’m voting with my hand 🙂 while I catch a plane to the Czech Republic, I’ll tell you one cool story of becoming one small private company. Her name is Ryanair. ООО “Aérohendling” is doing her service at Boris airport. This September, they took the first flight of Ryanair and are now doing it with constant regular and stability. Everything as I love 🙂
In 2017, loukoster Ryanair moved 120 million passengers. Its schedule has more than 1800 flights per day, which are made of 85 base at different EU airports, which connect more than 200 destination in 34 countries. There are about 400 Boeing 737 planes in the company.
30 years ago, the owners of Ryanair could not think that their airplanes would become such a powerful market player. Things went so bad that the owners decided to move up the business. according to Ryanair tax advisor, Michael O ‘ Leary. He turned the airline into the largest and famous Loukostera in Europe. At first, O ‘ Leary wanted to close the airline, but then changed his mind and decided to save the carrier. He started with the implementation of a new business model based on the concept of the American low-level airline. He refused to give away free drinks and food on board, got 14 routes, focused on five basic, and set a minimum ticket price of £59 It was new and unusual for Europe. At then, air transport was considered an elite mode of transport – on board we were treated with champagne and well fed.
The beginning of the 2000s brings new technology – the airline opens its own website and, after the intermediaries, started selling online. In addition to buying a ticket, the client gets the opportunity to book a hotel, car for travel, buy insurance, etc.
Ryanair flies to regional remote airports. For the latest, it’s a good chance to make money because the airline brings a large stream of passengers.
After posting this information, the United States has conducted a research on its own crew, already on the flight simulators. The result is similar – 25 % of flight test would have ended in a crash due to the fact that none of the crew members challenge the captain’s mistakes.
The post is not just about flights. And about the fact that you need to re-check the information. Always, everywhere and don’t believe anyone. You can only believe yourself. And it must be clear that any person can make mistakes. It does not depend on the age, status, position of a person. Your leader may be wrong. You as a leader can be wrong. Don’t confuse yourself. My favorite path is a few sources of information, counting, counting and counting again, then sit to think how to put everything into one puzzle.�
- CHINA MASS MEDIA EXPANSION - 22nd November 2021